Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25th - Life Goes Back to Normal

School holidays are officially over for Mike and he returned to work today - so the kids and I can return to our routine too!

I was going to start the day with a walk as per my goal for this week. Well I failed dismally - but for a good reason..kind of..After all the aerobics I have been doing my body is sore. I have actually really just felt like shit today - really lethargic and tired - not sick - just off. I did notice that after tea I felt better and then much better again now after finishing yoga and having a shower. I feel alot more clear minded and not so dull headed. Maybe I was lacking something dietary? Who knows.

But this journey is about being kind to myself - not grinding myself to a pulp to put the weight and bad habits back on again. So if there is one day i am off I need to honour that and accept it and realise its one out of many.

I will walk tomorrow - I have aerobics on the list but I am going to Perth so a morning walk will be just the ticket.

I guess we all need to rest sometimes and my body is telling me today is partially the day.

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