Monday, January 18, 2010

January 17th - Yoga

Today was very very hot and I was offered the chance to sleep in under the doona in the air con - so I took it! I had walked the day before so I wasnt being too naughty! Sleep is important for your health too!

I started the day with eggs on toast and lunch was a ham and salad roll. Dinner was a really nice hamburger. I almost gave the carbs up in the meal but I am glad I didn't. instead of hot chips I had a salad and that was really nice too. I was full.

I have noticed that I dont feel hungry anymore....not like when I first started anyway - that was depressing!

I did some yoga last night. I love yoga - I actually feel I benefit more from the meditative side of it - although the stretches made me sweat a bit! I bought a proper mat and now my feet dont slip so my stances are truly solid. I feel myself being able to achieve the positions better - there are still some poses I cant do - like triangle pose. My hamstrings and back are still too tight - but thats fine - things will loosen up. And I feel really relaxed and in control when I am done. Really listening to my breathing is so important.

Walk in the morning - I am setting my alarm for early as we are in the middle of a heat wave.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Gilly I love yoga, it's so relaxing! You are doing so well!!
